Thought I'd share these.....
1. If you squeeze the hoover bag while looking in it to see how full it is, you will get a face full of dust and god knows what else. I tested this theory this very morning...
2. Children are full of surprises. They're not always of the good kind...
3. We're all different shapes. We're meant to be different shapes. We're not all meant to be 6 stone nothing. Would the media kindly shut the f*** up now about dieting/obesity and find a different horse to flog because
a) it's boring
b) I've just had to listen to 14 year olds talking about who's dieting
and c) we're not all stupid! Well.... not all of the time anyway....
4. Following on from number 3...Wedding dresses look better on girls with a bit of shape. Girls you DON'T need to loose another half a stone.
5. When you get to a certain age don't go and put your make up on while using a different mirror to usual, especially if it means looking down. Because when you look up again it takes a few seconds for everything to catch up...
6. I don't think I'll ever feel like the adult in the room. That's no bad thing...
7. D.N.A stands for deoxyribonucleicacid. I learnt that for biology 'o' level, and know one has ever asked me. So I'm telling you...
7. D.N.A stands for deoxyribonucleicacid. I learnt that for biology 'o' level, and know one has ever asked me. So I'm telling you...
8. When Mr.M says he hasn't left me much petrol in the car, what he actually means is that the petrol gauge has flatlined and he's coasted home from Birmingham on fumes (passing at least 3 garages on his merry way...)
9. Cooking the tea is more interesting if you watch telly and surf the Internet at the same time.
10. You will burn the tea if you watch telly and surf the Internet at the same time as cooking. Again, not necessarily a bad thing.
That's not actually that much wisdom to show for 40 years on the planet!
Hey ho, feel free to add your own pearls of wisdom......!!