Worth noting that I'm early with this post. Why? I hear you ask.
Well it's Friday afternoon, so the kids are at school, so I don't have to share them!!
Bad Mummy!!!!
Thanks to Lauren for the excuse to buy Jaffa's in the name of art...
And to Bug and Pop for I spying fun!
Aha! You glutton! Also, your poor starving children (cue kids pouting and weeping gently). Furthermore, good for you in getting them in before the kids got to them first!
Jaffas are art. Performance art usually... even if it's a very short performance!
Good Mummy I say, nice work.
McVities put a secret ingredient in their jaffas that makes you eat the whole packet...
Oh! Oh! Oh! I had forgotten about these beauties. I was addicted to these when I lived in the UK. We use to eat them and watch friends on tv. Not Bad Mummy. Smart Mummy.
Those look awesome. They're orange chocolate I assume? That's one of my favourite things! I don't think that they have these is Australia.... I'll have to get my brother to send me some :)
God I love jaffa cakes and had a couple of packets when I was home - YUM
oh I remember these when I lived in Cyprus - they had loads of british food items...yummy!!!
orange+ Choc is a FAB combo!
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