Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Journey to the centre of the Earth.....

Or more precisely, the centre of England. Also entitled a quick stop off on the Journey to the Garden Centre.....Can you hear that? It's Jules Verne turning in his grave.
The centre of England is, as the plaque above says, traditionally the village of Meridan, and every so often Mr.M and myself will say to one another "We should pop over and have a look...." (because basically we're a couple of saddo's, that's as in sad not masochist)
....7 years later we did! Not ones to rush into stuff are we? And it took all of 16 minutes to get there from our house! So there we are, pulled up on the side of the road looking at a large statue to the cyclists of world war 2, wondering why it doesn't say Centre of England anywhere - except on the front of a charity shop,
"Oh look a plaque!" I say
"Umm, Manhole cover actually" says Mr.M
All that's missing was a comedy pantomime voice shouting "It's behind you!!!"
So there you have it, The Centre of England on a Sunday, a large green roundabout with a couple of giggling saddo's on it.
And no, funnily enough, no one has ever suggested I go to work for the English Tourist Board...


Anonymous said...

Somewhere in Japan, a TV executive is already thinking up an endurance game along these lines...

Bec said...

He he he...I describe myself as a bit of a 'saddo' all the time. And it never occurred to me that people might be thinking I am referring to myself as a sadomasochist...