Wednesday, 31 December 2008

And Finally for 2008....

The Calendars! Nothing like leaving it till the last minute, there is afterall a whole 7 hours of 2008 left!

November and December courtesy of Laura Ashley...
December's coy little lady only slighty stained by my efforts in the kitchen...
and I couldn't finish the year without sharing the following from the Wallpaper calendar.
Cool looking spacemen, well I say men..I think the bloke in the rocket is possibly half man half frog...amphibians in spaaace! (Anyone else remember the Muppets 'Pigs in Spaaaace!' no? Just me then!)

And finally the amazing poodle mermaids!! Click to get a close up, those poodles are in some kind of doggy nirvana looking at their little faces!!
So let me just wish you all a Happy New Year and hope all your New Year wishes come true!!!
(And your hangover's aren't too bad either!!;))

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Eye Spy the Festive Beforemath.....

Yes, that should read Festive Aftermath for this week's Eye Spy theme, but I forgot to take the 'After' picture in all the excitment, oh well, at least I remembered a before picture!
I hope you've all had a Merry Christmas, full of turkey and joy!!

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Eye Spy...

Eye Spy.... A Bit of Bling!
This weeks Eye Spy theme is from Hoppo Bumpo. It worried me at first as I don't own any proper grown up blingy jewellery, or anything blingy at all in fact, so I decided to go down the Christmas tree route - turns out I wasn't the only one! I made these tree bling wotsits probably 10 years ago, using air-drying clay and the beads leftover from my wedding dress. Quite appropriate to have a bit of wedding dress on the tree, as we got married on Christmas day 11 years ago! ( In Vegas, which explains Elvis being here!)

And as they were made to entertain a then 3 year old, here are the ones Bigski made, entitled 'Explosion in a glitter factory'.......

and I also Eye Spy.....a Burst of Colour
which was last weeks theme from Flossy-P, only I was rather busy sorting out the loft, 'tis a truly exciting life I lead...
Tasteful bright pink reindeer lives on the mantlepiece throughout December, accompanied by an equally tasteful purple reindeer, who is sadly antlerless after a tragic freak accident (any reindeer reading this DON'T try diving off said mantlepiece head'll end in tears and a date with some ineffective glue!)
You too can join in the fun of Eye Spy over at Bug and Pop!

Friday, 19 December 2008

Think I need to get my eyes tested, just misread an advert for Nat West bank with the tag line 'helpful banking' as 'helpful bonking'......I know there's a banking crisis, but really, are they that desperate for customers?!!

Viva Las Christmas...

Been a quite blogger this week, but I have been getting christmassy...

Mr and Mrs Stockings made for the window display at the bridal shop where I work, created to hang on the fab fireplace that Nicky designed...
And the decorations at home are up, the girls did them when I was at work one night...a creative pair they are...sweetly tried to recreate what I normally do around the fireplace, only they couldn't find the they used this
DUCT TAPE!! at least it's silver and coordinates...
I do things much more gracefully, as you can see by who's straddling the top of the tree...
Viva Las Christmas!!

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Red, white & blue....

and blue.....
screen printed t.shirts for a little boy who was 1 at the weekend. The same little boy that I made the baby bibs for when he was born, remember? What do you mean you weren't visiting here then? Cheek!!

Monday, 8 December 2008

Bye Bye 'This is'...Hello 'I Spy!'

Sadly, 'This is...' is no more, boo hoo! Angela, the lovely lady at Three Buttons who has organised the meme for the best part of a year, has decided to call time on the weekly posts. I'm sad to stop it's been great fun, and of course has kept postings a little more regular for the naturally slap dash amongst us (ie: me!!)

So it's with great joy that I came across 'I Spy Sunday...!' another new weekly meme, started by Cindy at Bug and Pop!
This weeks theme is 'Eye Spy Something in my Garden!' and guess what I have to cheat already (well apart from being a day late....but we'll ignore that), it's winter and the garden is not what you'd call at it's best - if it were a person it would be mutton dressed as lamb, faded and passed it's best after one bottle too many of Pinot Grigio (always a good look !), so a photo from a few weeks ago will have to do, because everything always looks better with a layer of snow....

...and clever cropping out of the massive shed and giant trampoline!

And thanks to Curlypops for this weeks theme!

Monday, 1 December 2008

New Shoes for Christmas!

Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
No! It's Super Shaz of the Shire single handedly saving the British economy with a totally unselfish act of Christmas shopping. Oh, the sacrifices I make!!
Does anyone else buy their own presents? I can highly recommend it, I do find it's a win ,win situation! :)