Monday, 17 November 2008

This is..... my favourite thing from nature

This hydrangea is my most favourite thing in our garden. Truth be told, I'm a bit sentimental about it, it's a very well travelled plant. My Gramfie ( the same one from these photo's) dug it up from his garden in Somerset and gave it to us when we bought our first flat in London, about 14 years ago. Them we dug it up and planted it here, in Warwickshire, where it's very happy. And I'm just happy to see it every day from the kitchen window.
Thanks to Cloth and Fodder for this weeks theme, and to Angela at Three Buttons for the This Is Meme!


Daisie said...

Oh, I love Hydrangeas!
We too used to have a family one, taken from my grandad's garden in Finsbury Park when my auntie pat left home and got married, went to Tottenham and then on to Wolthemstow then north to Lancashire. Sadly when she died no one took it and it still sits in her front garden. The house has been sold twice since she died in 1995. To my shame I have not been able to find the courage to go and ask the new owners for a cuttting :-(
I do look at it fondly when I pass thoguh :-)

CurlyPops said...

It's so lovely to have a plant to remind you everyday

Anonymous said...

just lovely! xx

JuliaB said...

Beautiful. I love Hydrangias. x

Griffin said...

Ahem, shows wot I know... I always thought those were, rhododendrons! Spot the botanist!

I like the way the flowers change colour from pink to blue.

But for me, it has to be white jasmine. The flowers are like tiny stars and the tendrils remind me of dragons with their red-green curlings.

Anastasia said...

i love them too - especially in blues!! so pretty!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely story! Your hydrangea sounds very well travelled, how nice to have it with you all the time.

Bec said...

What a lovely bloom to look at out your kitchen window! Alas, it is not the right climate here for such beauties, but I enjoy them every time I travel down south to the colder climate :)