Image from the Folksy Blog
Oh bugger it! I've just tried to write this while being all modest and humble, well I'm far too damn excited for that I tell you!! What's got me so excited at 11.30 on a Friday night? I hear you ask. I only went and checked the Folksy blog and they've announced the winner of the Howies competition and it's only ME!!!!!!!! Me, I tell you, ME!!! Go here and check for I suddenly fear in my abilitity to understand English and worry that I've misunderstood and I'm making some kind of hideous embarrassing mistake publicly to the blog world! I've checked again, for about the 27th time, and it's true!! It's ME!! I'm amazed, I feel like I've been allowed to play with the big girl crafters!
Ha Ha Ha!! World domination is surely only a few printed fripperies away!!
(Queue manic laugh...................)
Congratulations - Im not sure what a Howie is but if it is making you that excited it must be a good thing.
Thanks for your comment over on my blog - obviously being a nosey parker I head over here to check out your place. I love your screen printing - really inspiring to a printing newby like me. Looking forward to seeing more of your designs.
You soooooooooooooo deserve it Sharonetti. You're allowed to be proud. Hey that's a rhyme! I checked, and yes you are indeed the winner, believe it baby! WELL DONE!!!!!!!xxx
Huge congratulations, big hugs, wide smiles and pats on the back! Well done you!!!! You have mademy day, first smile of the morning! Brilliant!
Enjoy the glory!
Yes, it definitely is you... just be sure you don't make a spelling mistake and end up with Wold domination instead. By the way, love the manic laugh, it's so... you!
Can I steer your fiendish undersea base? Can I? Please?...
Well done! :D Your entry was great!
How fabulous!! I saw it on the Folksy blog and came straight here cos I knew you would have posted about it! World domination here you come mwahh hhhhhhaaaaaa haaaaaa :)
YAY!!!!! I'm doing an embarrassing American-style 'go girl' dance for you now :P My husband is watching me with raised eyebrows so now I'm explaining the whole story of your win, and how you are the lovely lady who sent the extra kids aprons with the gorgeous pink apron I won....ok his eyes have glazed over now. Back to you and your WINNING ENTRY! Huge Congratulations to you, and I've got to say I'm not surprised at all. Do you know how many people I have showed your Spoon apron to that you sent me? And how many times I have pointed out the sublime invisible stitching, the perfect embroidery, the fabulous screenprinting....ok I'll stop gushing now. But I'm genuinely so pleased for you...well done :)
BLOODY FANTASTIC! That is such brilliant news, you clever, clever thing you! I'm really chuffed for you- do you get a prize or a medal or something?
Fab stuff Sharon, well done... I have a 14 year old and a 9 year old oh and a 12 year old oh and a 4 year old !! but 14 year olds !!! old enough to babysit but still young enough to get wound up by 4 year old.... i've had a tough few days.. kids.. but yes, great news well done.. I am thinking of tagging you, see my blog xx
ps my CM was forsin, loving that one !! for i sin on a regular basis...
yeahhh congrats to you!!! way to go...thats awesome!
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