Friday, 17 October 2008

Blogtoberfest Fave Friday!

Drewzl has declared today 'Blogtoberfest Fave Friday!' and who am I to argue?!
So I have to tell you about my favourite song, I warn you I am no aficionado musically, and on Singstar I only get a good result singing the Scissor Sisters (yes, I sing like a high pitched gay man!) and appalling for everything else! And I'm the only person I know that turns the radio off in the car, preferring quiet most of the time. So anyway, favourite song would be U2 'With or Without You' no particular reason for liking it, always have and probably always will. I'd find it on You Tube but I still have the cold and cough from hell and my need for cake and coffee and nurofen is just that much stronger.....


Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

I turn the radio off in the car sometimes too. It's nice to have quiet around you.

Anonymous said...

Poor you! I hope you are taking plenty of chocolate and caffeinated medicine! Good song choice! xxx

Griffin said...

May I suggest whisky. The chocs will make you feel good but icky, but whisky will get you a lot of sleep!

I can now only sing like a) the Ramones or b) Lou Reed/Bob Dylan... the last time I tried to sing like the Beatles it hurt like hell.

Oh, and I can occasionally sing like Patti Smith... which is a little worrying.