Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Craftman and Bobbin.....

  • Holy tomoly, Craftman! What is it!
  • Avert your eyes my trusty side kick Bobbin, I'm afraid - it's BAD craft!
  • What can we do Craftman!?!
  • It's too late this time Bobbin! but we'll continue the fight for good craft, and uphold the principles of Handmade! We'll dedicate our lives to saving the world. One. Stitch. At. A. Time!!
  • Could we nip into Tescos on the way to save the world, it's just we've run out of milk....
  • Well Ok, but we'll have to be quick - I've got to be back at 3.10 for the school run......

And in the swoosh of a crusaders cape (Screen printed vintage denim, lined in a quilt made of their childrens old summer dresses, delightful hand embroidery and button embellishment), they were GONE! Gone to rid the world of the ugly, the mass produced and the badly made (all inbetween cleaning the toilet, cooking the tea and the Primark sale....)

Stay tuned for the further infrequent adventures of Craftman and Bobbin. CRAFTING SUPERHEROS!!!

(Um? Would you mind looking down the back of your settee please? I seem to have lost the plot...)


Daisie said...

Who needs the plot anyway!?
Sounds like fun in your house, can anyone play?

Jodie said...

Love it !!! No plot here at all. I think I have seen some of those vicious bad taste craft criminals at my local op-shop.
I always threaten to take my camera.

You, my dear, crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Holy slack overlocking tension, craftman! I found mine in the cornflour (the plot thickens).

Tanya said...

Crickey, you're as dotty as my dog! Did I hear you say Primark sale, now your talking sense...

Tanya said...

Meant to tell you this as well... when I was younger, much much, I used to play 'Fatman and Gobbin' on my bike with my best friend, needless to say I was Fatman because she was small and very pretty and blonde and not at all fat.. and I was the opposite, oh yes those were the good old days....